Why Violin Lessons?

I heard someone say once that the money you put into childhood music lessons is wasted if that child doesn't go on to pursue music later on in life.

I say- false.

Definitely false. And here's why.

Music lessons teach you more than notes on a page. Music lessons can

1. Teach You Self discipline.
   Notes on a page don't play themselves, and in order to learn them, it takes practice. Consistent practice. Not hours and hours per day, but just a little bit each day that builds on the day before that builds on the day before that and before you know it- you are playing notes on the page. This isn't something unique to music lessons. This is a life skill. Anything you want to do- ever- in life will require you to work at it- to discipline yourself- to build bits of knowledge on the bits of knowledge from the day before- to practice consistently. Taking violin lessons will teach you this life skill- just a little bit at a time.

2. Strengthen Your Ability To Communicate
   Music is a universal language that transcends translators and the written word on the page. Learning to speak music is a valuable resource that will always be at your disposal.

3.  Boost IQ, memory, and reading comprehension
    Studies have been done to prove that children learning a musical instrument see benefits in the regular classroom- long after the instrument has been put back in the case for the day.

4. Relieve stress and anxiety
   Adding music lessons to the mix can teach a healthy outlet for stress and anxiety that oftentimes accompany academic or life expectations.

5. Boost Self Esteem
  Taking the time and effort to learn a new skill sets you up for success later in life, not to mention a sense of accomplishment with today's hard work and achievement.

6. Provide Social Interaction
   Violin lessons may begin with just you, the teacher, and your instrument. But if you apply yourself it can also provide opportunities to play in ensembles, recitals, and competition situations.

The rewards truly are limitless. Investing in musical lessons for your children is truly investing in their future.

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